Finding the Parental Visitation Schedule that Works Best for Your Family

dad hugging daughter

When determining a parental visitation schedule in California, there are countless factors and circumstances that need to be considered. Visitation, which is different than custody, can be contentious. It is agreed upon and outlined how each parent will spend time with the children. Depending on the circumstances, the courts will first consider what is in the best interests of the child or children, and often, the child’s preferences.

Ironing out the details and wishes of those involved should be considered. These are not limited to:

  • The child’s age
  • The gender of the parents
  • Siblings and ages
  • How the child handles decision making
  • What parent will provide the most stability
  • Bond with each parent
  • Religion
  • Differences in income
  • Arrests, domestic abuse, or violence
  • If there are physical handicaps

In California, the courts will outline visitation to schedule a plan for how the parent will each spend time with the child or children. A parental visitation schedule will break down the details, including birthdays, holidays, religious celebrations, Mother’s and Father’s Day, and any other family celebrations.

Based on the best interest of the children, you and your attorney can work out what is best to present to the court. Child visitation orders can vary. The types are:

  • Scheduled Visitation
  • Reasonable Visitation
  • Supervised Visitation
  • No Visitation

Child custody and visitation determinations can be complicated. Consult with the Law Offices of Thomas Nicholas Cvietkovich at (408) 844-4016 to review what is best for the terms of your divorce.  

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